VisTitle 1.87 Update
Date: 2014-5-7
Size: 37.56MB
ClickTimes: 2,375
Operating Platform: Windows xp&Windwos Vista
VisTitle 1.87 is compatible with EDIUS 5.x, 6.0x, 6.5 or 6.51, it fixed some issues in VisTitle 1.86. Any VisTitle 1.x user can upgrade to 1.87 with free.
Fixed Issues:
- If “Render all” property was selected, there is some incorrect rendering when text object has “Frame” shade property.
- When project enable 3D Stereoscopic, in some case, effect edit view did not show correct selection box.
- If text object has play area effect, in some case, some character could not cut out.
- If EDIUS 6.5 project has VisTilte clip, EDIUS 6.5 was crashed when using “Consolidate project” or XRE to transcoding project
- Import a VisTitle title clip with “Transfer to project folder” option selected, EDIUS 6.5 was crashed
- “Consolidate project” could copy *.vtmovie and *.vxdmtex file to destination in EDIUS 6.0x and EDIUS 6.5
- Select VisTitle title clip in EDIUS 6.0x or EDIUS 6.5 bin, “Delete Files” in context menu could not delete disk file.
- In EDIUS 6.5, when modify VisTitle title clip in mini editor and cancel modification, in some case, EDIUS record window was not refreshed
- In EDIUS 6.5, if VisTitle subtitle clip is in T track, when record subtitle timecode, EDIUS could not preview subtitle image
- Export any text files in VisTitle, the file will be always saved as unicode format to compatible some asia language.
VisTitle 1.87 update package is only for VisTitle 1.8 or 1.85 or 1.86, if your VisTitle version is less than 1.8, please update it to 1.8 or 1.85 or 1.86 firstly, then install this update package.
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