VisTitle Basic Video Tutorials
Date: 2014-5-12
This section contains the following video tutorial:
1.VisTitle user interface introduction.

2-1.Object basic operation – position translate skills.

2-2.Object Basic Operation – Rotate & Pivot skills.

2-3.Object Baisc Operation – Zoom skills.

2-4.Object basic operation – shear.

3.Introduction Font property toolbar.

4-1.Introduction for shader property(property01).

4-2.Introduction for shader property(property02).

4-3.Introduction for shader property(property03).

5.Adjust object timeline duration.

6.The text with dynamic texture property.

7.Creating a Logo movie with loop playing.

8-1.3D Transform – translate animation skills.

8-2.3D Transform – Zoom animation skills.

8-3.3D Transform – Rotate Animation & Transprency Animation skills.

9.VisTitle Effects introduction.

10.Group object effect introduction.

11.Typewriter effect.