VisTitle 2.5 Trial Version Release Note

Date: 2014-5-5


ClickTimes: 5,855

Operating Platform: Win XP, Vista, Win 7

VisTitle 2.5 Trial Version provides an access to VisTitle with the opportunity to explore its compatibility with NLE software, as well as all aspects of its powerful features. It can be downloaded from internet free of charge by anyone. But to protect the rights of the end-users, there are some limitations in it. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience might be caused.


Software Requirements Essentials

  • Windows 7 32 bit (for EDIUS 6.5 or earlier version) or 64 bit (EDIUS 7, Adobe, or Avid NLE software)
  • EDIUS 4.6 or above (including EDIUS 5.x, 6.x, 7. x, 8); Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 or Adobe Premiere Pro CC; Avid Media Composer 6.0 or above, Avid Symphony 6.0 or above, or Avid Newscutter 10.0 or above
  • Please make sure that you have installed the latest drivers on your PC, especially for your graphic card.


Recommended System Requirements

  • Intel i5 2.8 GHZ, or above
  • Graphics Card: nVidia GTX 560 or ATI 6870 or above
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Hard Drive Space: 20 GB Free Hard Disk Space available
  • Monitor: 1680*1050 Screen Resolution, 22 inch
  • Windows 7 64 bit SP1



This software makes heavy use of GPU engine, so the graphics card must be of ShaderModel 3.0 or above. If your graphics card doesnt meet the requirement, you will still be able to install the software; however the software may not function well.



  • There are watermarks on the interface and output.
  • Only first 50 subtitle lines can be applied in Subtitle.
  • The real-time performance of trial version is lower than that of full version.
  • In standalone mode, you cant save Vistitle project (*.vtprj).
  • All the presets in this trial version are not compatible with full version, and vice versa.



  • Before installation, please make sure that your system configuration meets the minimum requirements, especially the graphic card.
  • Please refer to the VisTitle Quick-Guide Reference Manual and the VisTitle Reference Manual for the basic functions.
  • The trial software is almost a full functional version except for some output limitation.
  • The real time performance of the trial version is limited. Some effects may not be previewed in real time.
  • Cannot be upgraded to full version. Before install the full version, please uninstall the trial software first.
  • Any elements of the trial software are NOT compatible with the full version, and vice versa