VisTitle Manual

Date: 2010-10-28

ClickTimes: 2,053

We are proud to announce VisTitle 1.5 was released now.Compared with former versions,new built-in plug-ins,like Magic Composite,Text Kerning Animation,Text Path Animation are added;new effects are furnished such as Explode,Intersect,etc.To see more,browse the following deScription:

New Features

  1. Add a new plugin-Magic Composite
  2. Add a new plugin-Text Kerning/Leading Animation
  3. Add a new plugin-Text Path Animation
  4. Add a new plugin-Image Slide Show
  5. Add a new plugin-Karaoke
  6. Add a new title Object-Timecode
  7. Add a new effect-Explode
  8. Add a new effect-Intersect
  9. Add new text font mode and fill mode for fit non-standard fonts
  10. Add custom video resolution choosing to System Format select dialog
  11. Add double click left mouse button to select entire word while editing text
  12. Add navigation function when editing area large than client window
  13. Add trim spaces function in text Object


Fixed issues

  1. System paste function removed
  2. Automatic trim useless characters of multi-line text when creating text automaticly
  3. Fixed issue that not stable when select part of content in curve text Object
  4. Fixed issues that display not correctly when check Clip in Page Curl or Page Turn effect
  5. Fixed issue that timecode is wrong when use Export Current Layout As Movie
  6. Fixed issue about copy a keyframe
  7. Fixed display issue when hiding timeline track´s head
  8. Fixed display issue of template library
  9. Improved performance of template library
  10. Fixed display issue of number Object
  11. Fixed display issue of keyframe in text path animation plugin
  12. Fixed issue that applying picture is wrong when video resolution changed
  13. Fixed issue that background preview doesn´t update in system options


PlugIn in EDIUS

  1. Add support for EDIUS 6
  2. Add SubRip (SRT) and 2 additional formats in Import and Export function of SubTitle editor
  3. Add Apply Effect function in template library of SubTitle editor
  4. Add 3 align buttons in SubTitle editor, which can modify align property of SubTitle and align it to guide lines
  5. Modify default action to Apply Current when double click left mouse button in template library of SubTitle editor
  6. Fixes stability issues in EDIUS 6
  7. Fixed issue that sometimes popup EDIUS Windows is not found message when program closing